Jülich Plant Phenotyping Centre

ETNA School on Plant Phenotyping
November 01-10, 2009

Forschungszentrum Jülich

Sunday, November 1, 2009
17:00 Plant Phenotyping:
Setting the Scene for the ETNA School 2009
Ulrich Schurr
19:00 Welcome dinner (jointly with the EPSO workshop participants)
Monday, November 2 and Tuesday, November 3, 2009
Lectures jointly with the EPSO workshop on Plant Phenotyping
Wednesday, November 4, 2009
09:00 Opening / Overview of the week Uli Schurr lecture
Shoot and root growth
09:15 Plant cultivation and experimental conditions: the weak belly of high-throughput phenotyping Hendrik Poorter lecture
10:15 Analysis of leaf and root growth at high throughput Achim Walter lecture
11:15 Human vision, computer imaging and a short intro in Image analysis Hanno Scharr lecture
13:15 Start of own experiment: First harvest and start of the treatment participants practical
14:15 A kinematic analysis of root growth Gerrit Beemster lecture
15:00 Root growth participants practical
17:30 bus transfer to the hotel
Thursday, November 5, 2009
TimeTitleLecturer Remarks
Physiological processes and growth
09:00 Analysis of biomass and relative growth rate Hendrik Poorter lecture
10:00 Hands-on session 'Biomass analysis' Hendrik Poorter in-silico practical
11:30 Imaging FTIR spectroscopy: spatial and temporal phenomics of tissue chemistry at the cellular scale Xavier Sirault lecture
13:30 Chlorophyll fluorescence, basic principles Shizue Matsubara lecture
14:30 Where do C-exchange and chlorophyll fluorescence meet? Shizue Matsubara practical 1
Colour segmentation, growth screen fluorometer Frank Gilmer practical 2
Root Carousel Kerstin Nagel practical 3
Elongation within a leaf / transducers Anika Wiese-Klinkenberg practical 4
18:00 School Party with the Phyto-Band practical
20:30 bus transfer to the hotel
Friday, November 6, 2009
Time Title Lecturer Remarks
Remote Sensing
09:00 Welcome and outline of the day Uwe Rascher
09:05 Leaf optics: Understanding the origin of the fluorescence signal and the use of fluorescence to analyse biotic and abiotic stresses Claus Buschmann lecture
9:50 Fluorescence as an in-vivo indicator on dynamic adaptation of plant energy metabolism Ladislav Nedbal lecture
10:45 Non-invasive monitoring of canopy structure Georg Bareth lecture
11:30 Large scale monitoring in the field: hyperspectral reflectance and sun-induced fluorescence Uwe Rascher lecture
12:15 Discussion
13:30 Practical hands-on experience (4 groups)
PAM Fluorometrics practical 1
Fluorescence Imaging practical 2
Hyperspectral Imaging practical 3
Advance data analyses using ENVI practical 4
16:00 Round table discussion and time for questions
17:00 bus transfer to the hotel
Saturday, November 7, 2009
Time Title Lecturer Remarks
Dynamic Plants in a Dynamic Environment
9:30 The Phenotyping Triangle: Genome - Sensorics - Environment Ulrich Schurr
Environmental data - no problems? Oliver Archner lecture
Phenotyping and the Plant Information System Benjamin Bruns lecture
11:15 Chlorophyll fluorescence measurements of own plants participants practical
12:00 bus transfer to the city of Aachen
recreational program
13:00 Aachen : guided tour
14:30 discover Aachen on your own
Sunday, November 8, 2009
recreational program
Monday, November 9, 2009
Time Title Lecturer Remarks
High-tech non-invasive technics
09:00 Visualization of carbon flux Sigi Jahnke
Jonas Bühler
09:30 Micro-to-terahertz waves for biosensing Norbert Klein lecture
10:00 NMR-basics and NMR-imaging of plants Peter Blümler lecture
11:00 Measuring own plants lecture
13:00 Chlorophyll fluoresence / SPAD / rosette size / Fresh Weight / Dry Weight on plants from own experiment participants
16:00 Data evaluation of experiments participants
17:30 bus transfer to the hotel
Tuesday, November 10, 2009
Time TitleLecturerRemarks
High-tech non-invasive technics
9:00 Retrieval of plant shape and plant-internal fluxes from NMR Dagmar van Dusschoten
Carel Windt
Bringing all together
11:00 Preparation of the talks participants
13:00 Short presentation of own results participants
14:00 Final discussion of experiments and approaches. Where should we go? all
15:00 Closing
15:30 Departure/bus transfer to Düren train station